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A new bold serif with solid and outlined font files. Introducing CS Nancy Typeface. It is design and shared by Craft Supply Co.. CS Nancy Font Family includes 6 Style Fonts. is an elegan serif font where it can be used to create almost all types of design projects like print materials. Just use your imagination and your project will become more alive and vivid than ever with one of the CS Nancy Font Family.

You want to make a greeting card or a package design, or even a brand identity, craft design, any DIY project, book title, wedding font, pop vintage design, retro design or any purpose to make your art / design project look pretty and trendy? Feel free to play with all the patterns and shape!

CS Nancy Font Family

CS Nancy Font Family CS Nancy Font Family

License: Personal Use Only!
Font Type: Free
Format: OTF, TTF
Total Files: 1

[epcl_button label=”Download this font for free” url=”https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vii/baskervald-adf-std.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vij/libre-bodoni.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vik/henri-didot.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vil/bodoni_xt.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vim/apple_garamond.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vin/apple_garamond_(2).zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vio/vogue.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vip/coldiac.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viq/giveny.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vir/deluce.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vis/aguero_serif.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vit/made_canvas.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viu/salvalyn.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viv/salvalyn_(2).zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viw/manhandle_slab.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Vix/Klinic_Slab.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viy/rachel-2.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/Viz/sharpe.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/1Lko/chamille-font.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/1Lkp/cs-nancy-free.zip https://secure.azumaweb.com/1Lkq/cs-nancy-free_(2).zip” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener nofollow”>CS Nancy Download[epcl_button label=”Download this font for free” url=”https://1001dafont.com//” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”> Checkout More Fonts